Hi, my name is José Antonio.

I design and develop
the front end of websites.

I'm a student, Front end developer Jr and UX/UI designer Jr with knowledge in:
HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, Python, C#, ASP.NET Blazor, Bootstrap and Figma.

Currently, I'm working at Coderhouse as tutor in web development.

Projects I'm proud of

Latest Project


As a result of a course on UX/UI design, I made a project about a shopping mobile app using whimsical, optimal workshop, canvas, and Figma.
Link to the behance
and link to the prototype in Figma .

Technologies used include:

  • UX/UI
  • UX Research
  • Figma
mockup ux/ui project

Another projects

html/css JS Responsive

Password generator app

html/css JS api

Advice generator

html/css Responsive

Huddle landing page

Contact me

I'm always interested in hearing about new designing or developing opportunities.

Email me